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Ristorante Il Piccolo Principe ✼✼

Ristorante Il Piccolo Principe ✼✼

Location: Piedmont, Italy
Visit Date: October 30, 2021

“The Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte is famous for its hotel services but also for its catering and, in particular, for the “Il Piccolo Principe” gourmet restaurant 2 Michelin stars. This intimate and refined restaurant, which is open year-round, is a favourite with guests and locals offering, as it does, an exclusive and nonpareil menu and a selection of the finest wines from the wine cellar. These delights can be enjoyed in a relaxing and charming atmosphere and with the highest levels of service, making dining here an unforgettable experience.”


  • Ostrica Escoffier

    • Escoffier oyster

  • Triglia di scoglio, crema di erbe amare, mozzarella di bufala, limone sotto sale

    • Red mullet, bitter herbs cream, buffallo mozzarella, salted lemon

  • Sushi toscano: battuta di manzo affumicato tagliato al coltello, tartufo di stagione, pecorino, rucola

    • Smoked beef tartare, seasonal truffle, pecorino cheese, wild rocket salad

  • Ricciola marinata, zuppetta di pomodoro, panzanella di verdure acidule, maionese allo zenzero

    • Marinated amberjack, tomato’s soup, sour vegetables panzanella, ginger mayonnaise

  • Animelle di vitello cotte al barbecue, olio al carbone, condimento al prezzemolo, ortaggi sotto aceto

    • Barbecued veal sweetbread, carbon oil, parsley dressing, pickled vegetables

  • Tortello ripieno di genovese di manzo, crema di cipolla, salsa al latte di cocco

    • Fresh pasta Tortello filled with meat, onion cream, coconut milk sauce

  • Spaghetti pastificio Mancini, acqua di pomodoro verde, peperoncini di fiume, gamberi rossi, melissa

    • Mancini Spaghetti, green tomato’s water, friggitelli, red shrimps, lemon balm

  • San Pietro, midollo di manzo, lattuga grigliata e crescioni

    • John Dory, beef marrow, grilled lettuce, watercress

  • Piccione arrostito, chutney di mango, foie gras e punte di cicoria

    • Rosted pigeon, mango chutney, foie gras, chicory tips

  • Cioccolato Domori e Passion Fruit: mousse al passion fruit, namelaka al cioccolato Domori, crumble alle arachidi salate

    • Domori Chocolate and Passion Fruit: passion fruit mousse, Domori chocolate namelaka, salted peanuts crumble

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

“As in a well-orchestrated symphony, chef Giuseppe Mancino brings together a host of different elements in his dishes, including creativity, elegance, excellent techniques and superb presentation. The menu places an equal emphasis on meat, fish and vegetarian options, while the restaurant itself is situated in one of the smartest hotels in the town, Il Piccolo Principe, which will celebrate its centenary in 2022.”

Page Last Updated: December 6, 2021

La Leggenda dei Frati ✼

La Leggenda dei Frati ✼

Piazza Duomo ✼✼✼

Piazza Duomo ✼✼✼